I love changing wallpapers. Deviantart has got awesome wallpapers that I wish my wallpaper can be like a screensaver which switches wallpaper every one minute or so.
As of now, I have successfully chucked aside my POA and Physics related stuff except for the textbooks and ten-year series. I'll most probably throw away more come Monday because right now, I'm too lazy to decide which to keep and which I will not keep. Hopefully by Monday, three-quarters of those books & papers will be gone.
CNY celebrations yesterday was quite okay. We got oranges, OG pictures and love letters. Sad thing was that it was the last day for many people since they're withdrawing from MI. My class is left with less that 15 people I think.
Before I continue my My Girl marathon, here's wishing all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI!
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