what goes around comes back around;
School has been quite smooth sailing, minus the occasional IFORGOTTODOMYHOMEWORK or ICANNOTBEBOTHEREDTODOMYHOMEWORK. My days in MI are much happier especially with the wonderful people around to make my day. People like Desmond, Fandy, Nadiana, Siti and Wahid whom I'll miss because they're just so crazy and happy people, ready to create havoc on any day.

Ekin, Siti & Me in Art Room during Home Tutor period.

My class: 07B7

The 07B7 Malay girls

I like this shot.

Last but not least, the happy people! :)
It's kinda scary now that we all know results will be out around next week. It's either Tuesday or Friday. The only good part about getting our results is going back to school and meeting all of my classmates; 4E5 Mustangs! I miss them and their crazy antics a lot. The girls in NATIONS!, the times when we will stop by the provision shop and get ourselves ice cream to consume while walking to the bus stop, especially the jelly ice-cream which is wobbly once the ice around it melts. And the times when we will run to the bus stop when we spot the bus coming. and how we laugh so much when running. Happy old times!
Arghh! This is even much scarier than the O'level exams coming. Getting the results is which is equaivalent to getting a death sentence somehow. Whether you live or die. I really hope my grades aren't that bad because I screwed up at some bits but seriously, I don't want any fails in any subjects.
Speaking of results is making me nervous already. I shall end off here. See y'all soon!
oh and i've got a new heartthrob.

Labels: jc rejects, results
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