Thursday, February 15, 2007


I feel bad for signing out early somehow.
That guilt feeling in me. I hate having weak stomachs. I get painful stomachaches at the wrong place and at the wrong time all the time and it makes me really uncomfortable.

I'd rather someone shove a bayonet into my stomach and pull my stomach out. At least without a stomach, my pain will be less unbearable.

I was well in the morning and then during break, the pain came. I felt nauseous and that excruciating pain in my stomach. I was tempted to vomit everything out but throwing up in school isn't such an encouraging idea. Especially when it comes to girls. They will think I'm bullimic or something and that's not something to be proud of. The last thing I want is having to be sent to for counselling sessions.

I feel really bad. Because only about 6 of my friends are left in school, having to wait until 5pm. It sucks, trust me. It's damn hot and we're having GP at the end of the day. I missed POA, History, Economics and GP. I only attended Maths. Like wtf right. I'm keen to enter JC and I have an attitude of a moron.

Okay quit blogging and I shall go revise my Economics, do my GP research and read up my History notes, for real. But first, medication for the bloody tummy.



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