Wednesday, March 21, 2007

as i curse silently;

Sleepy, exhausted and bombarded with work and revision. Apologies for the lousy blog updates.
Everyday is revision day and no free day. Especially for Economics because the teacher never fails to pop a question or two unexpectedly.

I am now the History rep for the class. I guess it's okay though it's going to be one helluva busy time; getting all the international and s.e.a notes for the class and hopefully i do remember to collect them or I'M DEAD!

The other thing I want to add is, I feel like leaving floorball. Seriously. Yeah I love floorball and I'm reluctant to leave too but I have no choice. Three trainings per week and especially since YJC is national champions in floorball for girls so it's very demanding of my time and energy. I don't think I'm all up for it in giving up my time and energy.

Sigh. There goes my aim to join a sports CCA. But heck, I can go out and exercise every weekends. I want to pursue my interest in photography so maybe if my leave from floorball is successful, I might join photography club. Slack for all I care but I want to get as much photography-related skills as much as possible.

Fuck sometimes I just hate school because of all these things. They add to the heavy workload unnecessarily.

Back to Maths and GP. & as I've mentioned in the past posts, i won't be updating that often anymore. Probably during the weekends or when I'm free or when I need to rant and vent my frustrations.



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