Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm back to blogger/blogspot! I miss this place. Livejournal codes get on my nerves but it's much easier to post pictures there, bigger spaces and the lj-cuts which helps to hide humungous posts.
Anyhoos, I had a great day today.

Firstly, I'm done with O'levels! Finally, I'm able to spend my holidays free from holidays assignments, studying, revision etcetra. No worries about school anymore. The last time I had this kind of holidays was back in Primary 6. A couple of my friends got their jobs already. I'm deprived of such stuff because my parents think I might be too engrossed in all the money-making and put my studies on hold. Maybe I would but who put studies on hold at this age? But it's okay. While my friends spend their time at work, I'm spending my time watching teevee, surfing the net, watching teevee and going out. I'm going to hunt my friend's workplaces probably next week. NYEHEHEH! Watch out!

Secondly, today was awesome! First of all, we had Science paper in the morning and DNT in the afternoon. It started raining heavily nearing the end of the paper. But anyway, Nations had dinner at Pizza Hut Causeway Pt. 11 of us altogether so part of nations. Probably one of the last gatherings we'll be having since most of they are either working or schooling. Then watched Material Girls which is really cliche but Joel Madden's looks good in the movie. :) and that whatshisname got a good side view. But overall, it was a fun-filled day. Good company, crazy fun times and embarrassing moments but it was worth it.

I'd better retire to bed now. I have to be up by 7 for school later for some briefing. See y'all soon.


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